AISCO Crossfire

Fire houses and fire training container technology

The latest fire container technology


  • Modular construction
  • Use of mobile fire trainers
  • Cost-efficient and sustainable
  • Versatile training scenarios using interchangeable mock-ups

Simply ingenious

Using the patented technology of our AISCO Crossfire systems, you can completely transform the fire scenario of your fire container in just a few steps. Are you already an AISCO Fire Trainer customer? Great, because you can now also use our AISCO Fire Trainers in combination with AISCO Crossfire technology in closed fire training rooms. This means that you do not have to purchase additional burners for your fire house or fire container.

Safety & best quality combined

Our AISCO Crossfire System has of course been tested by the German Technical Inspection Association (TÜV). With AISCO Fire Trainer, you are choosing Europe’s leading manufacturer, who will be a reliable partner at your side for providing the best experience and selection of fire trainers and additional products.

AISCO Fire Trainer: your partner for planning the future

The AISCO Crosstrainer technology will now enable you to easily and inexpensively switch from mobile fire trainers to fire houses or fire training containers — not just cost-effectively, but also sustainably.
